From Serachick to a towne named [Marginal note: Or Vrgema.] Vrgenshe, 15.
From Vrgenshe to Boghar, 15. dayes.
From Boghar to Cascar, 30. dayes.
From Cascar to Cathaya, 30. dayes iourney.
* * * * *
By the same partie a note of another way more sure to traueile, as he
From Astracan to Turkemen by the Caspian sea, 10. dayes, with barkes.
From Turkemen by lande specially with Camels, bearing the weight of 15.
poodes for their common burthens, is 10. dayes to Vrgenshe.
From Vrgenshe to Boghar, 15. dayes.
Note. At this Citie of Boghar is the marte or meeting place betweene the
Turkes and nations of those parts and the Cathayans.
Also the toll there is the 40. part to be payed of Merchandizes or goods.
From thence to Cascar is one moneths iourney, and from Cascar (being the
frontier of the great Can, hauing many townes and fortes by the way) is
also a moneths trauel for merchants by land to Cathay.
Further, as he hath heard (not hauing bene in those parts himselfe) ships
may saile from the dominions of Cathaia vnto India. But of other waies, or
how the seas lie by any coast hee knoweth not.
The instruction of another Tartarian merchant dwelling in the citie of
Boghar, as he hath learned by other his countreymen which haue bene
First from Astracan by sea to Serachick is 15 dayes: