And if a Marchant chance to die with them,
they burie him not, but eate him, and so doe they eate them of their owne
countrey likewise. [Sidenote: Travelling on dogs and harts.] They be euill
of sight, and haue small noses, but they be swift and shoote very well, and
they trauaile on Harts and on dogges, and their apparell is Sables and
Harts skinnes. They haue no Marchandise but Sables onely.
2 Item, on the same coast or quarter beyond those people; and by the sea
side also doth dwell another kinde of Samoeds in like maner, hauing another
language. One moneth in the yeere they liue in the sea, and doe not come or
dwell on the dry land for that moneth.
3 Item beyond these people, on the sea coast, there is another kinde of
Samoeds, their meate is flesh and fish, and their merchandise are Sables,
white and blacke Foxes (which the Russes call Pselts) and Harts skinnes,
and Fawnes skinnes.
* * * * *
The relation of Chaggi Memet a Persian Marchant, to Baptista Ramusius, and
other notable citizens of Venice; touching the way from Tauris the chiefe
city of Persia, to Campion a citie of Cathay ouer land: