Of the
clocke in the morning, directing our course West, and at 10. of the clocke
before noone, we arriued at a monasterie named Solofky, which is 15. miles
from Abdon.
At this monasterie we continued vntill the 31. day of this moneth. We had
here detracted vs by the chiefe monkes of the monasterie, their letter and
house seale, and a seruant of theirs to conduct vs safely through the
dangerous riuer of Owiga.
The people of all those parts are wild, and speake another kind of
language, and are for the most part all tenants to the monasterie. The
effect of the letter was, that they should be ready to helpe and assist vs
in all dangerous places, and carie our boats and goods ouer land in places
needfull, as in deed they did, as hereafter shall appeare.
Note, that at our being at the monasterie, there was no Abbot for the place
as then chosen: for 15. dayes before our arriual there, the Abbot was sent
for by the Emperour, and made Metropolitane of the realme, as he now is.
The number of monkes belonging to the monasterie are at the least 200.
31 Wee departed from the monasterie of Solofky, as is aforesayde, to a
faire stone house of theirs, which is 5. miles from the monasterie, lying
from it South and by West.