The tenth day of Iune we departed from Astracan towards the Mosco, hauing
an hundred gunners in our company at the Emperors charges, for the safe
conduct at the Tartar Ambassadors and me. And the eight and twentieth day
of Iuly folowing, wee arriued at the citie of Cazan, hauing bene vpon the
way from Astracan thither, sixe weekes and more, without any refreshing of
victuals: for in all that way there is no habitation.
[Sidenote: His arriual at Mosco the 2. of September.] The seuenth of August
folowing, wee departed from Cazan, and transported our goods by water, as
farre as the citie of Morum, and then by land; so that the second of
September, we arriued at the citie of Mosco, and the fourth day I came
before the Emperours Maiestie, kissed his hand, and presented him a white
Cowes taile of Cathay, and a drumme of Tartaria, which he well accepted.
Also I brought before him all the Ambassadors that were committed to my
charge, with all the Russe slaues: and that day I dined in his Maiesties
presence, and at dinner his Grace sent me meate by a Duke, and asked me
diuers questions touching the lands and countreis where I had bene. And
thus I remained at the Mosco about your affaires, vntil the 17. day of
February that your wares were sent downe: and then hauing a license of the
Emperors Maiestie to depart, the 21. day I came to your house at Vologhda,
and there remained vntil the breaking vp of the yere: and then hauing seene
all your goods laden into your boates, I departed, with the same, and
arriued withall in safetie at Colmogro the 9. of May 1560. And here I cease
for this time, intreating you to heare with this my large discourse, which
by reason of the varietie of matter, I could make no shorter, and I beseech
God to prosper all your attempts.
The latitudes of certaine principall places in Russia, and other Regions.
Deg. Min.
Mosco in 55 10
Nouogrod the great 58 26
Nouogrod the lesse 56 33
Colmogro 64 10
Vologhda 59 11
Cazan 55 33
Oweke 51 40
Astracan 47 9
At the entrance into the
Caspian sea. 46 42
Manguslaue beyond the
Caspian sea. 45 04
Vrgence in Tartary 20.
dayes iourney from the
Caspian sea. 42 18
Boghar a citie in Tartary
20. dayes iourney from
Vrgcnce. 39 10
* * * * *
Certaine notes gathered by Richard Iohnson (which was at Boghar with M.
Anthony Ienkinson) of the reports of Russes and other strangers, of the
wayes of Russia to Cathaya, and of diuers and strange people.
The first note giuen by one named Sarnichoke a Tartarian subiect to the
Prince of Boghar, which are also Tartars bordering vpon Kizilbash or
Persia, declaring the way from Astracan, being the furthest part of
Russia, to Cathaya as foloweth.
First from Astracan to Serachick by land, trauailing by leysure as
Merchants vse with wares, is 10. dayes iourney.
From Serachick to a towne named [Marginal note: Or Vrgema.] Vrgenshe, 15.
From Vrgenshe to Boghar, 15. dayes.
From Boghar to Cascar, 30. dayes.
From Cascar to Cathaya, 30. dayes iourney.
* * * * *
By the same partie a note of another way more sure to traueile, as he
From Astracan to Turkemen by the Caspian sea, 10. dayes, with barkes.
From Turkemen by lande specially with Camels, bearing the weight of 15.
poodes for their common burthens, is 10. dayes to Vrgenshe.
From Vrgenshe to Boghar, 15. dayes.
Note. At this Citie of Boghar is the marte or meeting place betweene the
Turkes and nations of those parts and the Cathayans.
Also the toll there is the 40. part to be payed of Merchandizes or goods.
From thence to Cascar is one moneths iourney, and from Cascar (being the
frontier of the great Can, hauing many townes and fortes by the way) is
also a moneths trauel for merchants by land to Cathay.
Further, as he hath heard (not hauing bene in those parts himselfe) ships
may saile from the dominions of Cathaia vnto India. But of other waies, or
how the seas lie by any coast hee knoweth not.
The instruction of another Tartarian merchant dwelling in the citie of
Boghar, as he hath learned by other his countreymen which haue bene
First from Astracan by sea to Serachick is 15 dayes: affirming also that a
man may trauell the other way before written by Turkemen.
From Serachick to Vrgence is 15 dayes.
From Vrgence to Boghar also 15 dayes.
Note. These last 30 daies iourney is without habitation of houses:
therefore trauellers lodge in their own tents, carying with them to eate,
their seuerall prouisions: and for drinesse there bee many wels of faire
water at equall baiting places not farre distant dayly to be had.
From Boghar to Taskent easie travelling with goods, is 14 dayes by land.
From Taskent to Occient 7 dayes.
From Occient to Cascar 20 daies. This Cascar is the head towne or citie of
another prince, lying betweene Boghar and Cathaia, called Reshit can.
From Cascar to Sowchick 30 daies iourney, which Sowchick is the first
border of Kathay.
From Sowchick to Camchick 5 dayes iourney, and from Camchick to Cathay is 2
moneths iourney, all the way being inhabited, temperate, and wel
replenished with innumerable fruits, and the chiefe citie in that whole
land is called Cambalu, which is yet 10 dayes iourney from Cathay.
Beyond this land of Cathay, which they praise to be ciuill and vnspeakeably
rich, is the countrey named in the Tartarian tongue Cara-calmack inhabited
with blacke people: