From Vrgence to Boghar also 15 dayes.
Note. These last 30 daies iourney is without habitation of houses:
therefore trauellers lodge in their own tents, carying with them to eate,
their seuerall prouisions: and for drinesse there bee many wels of faire
water at equall baiting places not farre distant dayly to be had.
From Boghar to Taskent easie travelling with goods, is 14 dayes by land.
From Taskent to Occient 7 dayes.
From Occient to Cascar 20 daies. This Cascar is the head towne or citie of
another prince, lying betweene Boghar and Cathaia, called Reshit can.
From Cascar to Sowchick 30 daies iourney, which Sowchick is the first
border of Kathay.
From Sowchick to Camchick 5 dayes iourney, and from Camchick to Cathay is 2
moneths iourney, all the way being inhabited, temperate, and wel
replenished with innumerable fruits, and the chiefe citie in that whole
land is called Cambalu, which is yet 10 dayes iourney from Cathay.
Beyond this land of Cathay, which they praise to be ciuill and vnspeakeably
rich, is the countrey named in the Tartarian tongue Cara-calmack inhabited
with blacke people: but in Cathay the most part thereof stretching to the
sunne rising, are people white and of faire complexion. Their religion
also, as the Tartars report, is christian, or after the maner of
Christians, and their language peculiar, differing from the Tartarian