Fadome water
betweene S. Iohns Islands and the maine.
After that we came to an ancre, we tooke the latitude, which was 68.
degrees, 1 minute, after noone, the winde at North with plentie of snowe.
At a West Sunne there came aboord us certaine Lappians in a boate, to the
number of sixeteene persons, and amongst them there were two wenches, and
some of them could speake the Russe tongue: I asked them where their
abiding was, and they tolde mee that there was a companie or heard of them,
to the number of 100. men, besides women and children, but a little from vs
in the riuer Iekonga.
They tolde me that they had bene to seeke meate among the rockes, saying,
If wee get no meate, wee eate none. I sawe them eate rocke weedes as
hungerly, as a cowe doeth grasse when shee is hungrie. I sawe them also
eate foules egges rawe, and the yong birdes also that were in the egges.
I obserued certaine wordes of their language, which I thought good to set
downe for their vse, that hereafter shall haue occasion to continue this