For a voiage or market made euil at the first, is the occasion
that your worships shal neuer vnderstand what gaine is to be gotten thereby
* * * * *
The thirde voyage into Persia, begun in the yeere 1565. by Richard Iohnson,
Alexander Kitchin, and Arthur Edwards.
A letter of Arthur Edwards to M. Thomas Nicols, Secretarie to the
worshipful company trading into Russia and other the North parts,
concerning the preparation of their voyage into Persia.
Master Nicols, my bounden duetie remembred, with desire of God for the
preseruation of you and yours: you shall vnderstand that the second of
March I was sent by M. Thomas Glouer (your Agent) vnto Ieraslaue,
[Sidenote: Ieraslaue a towne vpon the riuer of Volga.] appointed to receiue
such goods as should come from Vologhda, as also such kinde of wares as
should be bought and sent from Mosco by your Agent, and M. Edward Clarke,
thought meete for your voyage of Persia. And further, I was to prouide for
biscuit, beere, and beefe, and other victuals, and things otherwayes
needful according to aduise. [Sidenote: Richard Iohnson chiefe of the third
voyage into Persia.] Thus I remained here vntil the comming of your Agent,
which was the 12. of May, who taried here three dayes, to see vs set
forwards on our voyage, and then he departed towards Colmogro, hauing
appointed (as chiefe for your voyage of Persia) Richard Iohnson.