Northern Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 1 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Ita Tamen Quod Dicta
Latta Ad Tales Manus Non Deueniant, Quod De Custuma Nobis Debita
Et praterea est sciendum, quod postquam supradicti mercatores
semel in vno loco infra regnum & potestatem nostram custumam nobis
Superius pro mercandisis suis in forma soluerint supradicta, &
suum habeant inde warantum, siue huiusmodi mercandisa infra regnum &
potestatem nostram remaneant, siue exterius deferantur, (exceptis vinis,
qua de regno & potestate, nostris pradictis sine volnntate & licentia
nostra sicut pradictum est nullatenus educantur:) Volumus, ac pro nobis, ac
haredibus nostris concedimus, quod nulla exactio, prisa, vel prastatio, aut
aliquod onus super personas mercatorum pradictorum, mercandisas seu bona
eorundem altquatenus imponatur contra formam expressam superius &
concessam. His testibus veracibus principalibus, Roberto Cantuariensi
Archiepiscopo totius Anglia primate, Waltero Couentria & Lichfildia
episcopo, Henrico de Lacy Lincolniense, Humfredo de Bohum comite
Herfordiense, & Essexia & Constabulo magno Anglia, Adomaro de Valentia,
Galfrido de Gaymal, Hugone de Lespensor,[Footnote: Sic.] Waltero de
Bello campo, senescallo hospitij nostri, Roberto de Burijs, & alijs. Datum
per manum nostram apud Windesore, primo die Februarij, anno regni nostri
The aforesaid generall Charter in English.
Edward by the grace of God king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of
Aquitaine, to Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earles, Barons,
Iustices, Vicounts, gouernours, officers, and all bayliffes, and his
faithfull people sendeth greeting. Wee haue speciall care for the good
estate of all marchants of the kingdomes, lands, and countries following:
to wit of Almaine, France, Spaine, Portugal, Nauarre, Lombardie, Florence,
Prouence, Catalonia, of our duchie of Aquitaine, Tholosa, Caturlune,
[Footnote: Catalonia] Flanders, Brabant, and of all other forreine
countreis and places by what name soeuer they be called, which come into
our kingdome of England, and there remayne, that the sayd marchants may
liue in quiet and full securitie vnder our dominion in time to come.
Wherefore that their hearts desires may bee more readily inclined to our
seruice and the seruice of our kingdome, wee fauourably agreeing to their
petitions, for the fuller assuring of their estate, haue thought good to
graunt to the sayd merchants for vs and our heires for euer these
priuiledges vnder written, ordaining in forme as followeth.
1. First, that all marchants of the sayd kingdomes and countreys may come
into our kingdome of England, and any where else into our dominion with
their marchandises whatsoeuer safely and securely vnder our defence and
protection without paying wharfage, pontage, or pannage. And that in
Cities, Boroughs, and market townes of the sayd kingdome and dominion they
may traffique onely by the great [Footnote: Wholesale.] as well with the
naturall subiects and inhabitantes of our aforesayde kingdome and dominion,
as with forreiners, straungers, or priuate persons. Yet so that
marchandises which are commonly called mercerie wares, and spices, may be
sold by the small, [Footnote: Retail.] as heretofore hath bin accustomed.
[Sidenote: An exception for traficking with the known enemies of the
kingdome.] And that all the aforesaid marchants may cary or cause to be
caried whither they will, aswell within our realme or dominion, as out of
the same; sauing vnto the countreis of the manifest and knowne enemies of
our kingdome, those marchandises which they shall bring into our foresayd
realme and dominion or buy or otherwise purchase in our sayd realme and
dominion paying such customes as they ought to doe:
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