Par L.P. Hennepin, Paris, 1688.
12mo. - This author first made Europe acquainted with Louisiana; but his
work is meagre on every topic, except the manners, &c. of the natives.
826. Histoire de la Louisiane. Par M. Le Page du Prats. Paris, 1758. 3
vols. 12mo. - During a residence of 15 years, this author seems to have paid
particular attention to geology, mineralogy, and other branches of natural
history, and has given the results of his observations in these volumes.
827. Travels through that part of North America called Louisiana.
Translated and illustrated with notes by R.B. Forster. 1771-2. 2 vols.
8vo. - The author of this work was a M. Bossu; who also published, a few
years afterwards, Nouveaux Voyages dans l'Amerique Septentrionale.
Amsterdam. 8vo. - The first of these works is chiefly interesting from the
minute details into which it enters respecting the Illinois territory. Mr.
Forster's translation contains a catalogue of American plants.
828. Voyage en Californie. Par l'Abbe Chappe D'Auteroche. Paris, 1778.
4to. - The city of Mexico, as well as California, is here described in an
interesting manner. As concerns the latter, this work may be regarded as a
standard one.
829. The History of Mexico; to which are added, Dissertations on the Land,
Animals, &c. Translated from the Italian of Clavigero, by C. Cullen.