858. Historia de Abifponibus. Autore Dobutzhoffen. Vienna, 1784. 8vo. - This
work has lately been translated into English: had it been carefully and
judiciously abridged it would have been acceptable, but it is tiresome from
its extreme minuteness on uninteresting points.
859. Historia del Descubriniento y Conquesta del Peru. Par August de
Zarate. Anvers, 1555. 8vo. - This work is not merely historical, but it also
embraces many interesting particulars on physical geography, and the
manners, religion, &c., of the Peruvians.
860. Histoire des Incas, traduit de l'Espagnole de Garcilasso de la Vega.
Amsterdam, 1737. 2 vols. 4to. - The interest of this work arises from its
accuracy and fullness on the laws, government, religion, &c., of the
ancient Peruvians. To this French translation is added a history of the
conquest of Florida.
861. A Voyage to the South Sea along the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14.
By Mr. Frezier. 1717. 4to. - The object for which Mr. Frezier was sent
related to the defence of Peru and Chili; but he also enters fully into an
account of the mines and the mode of working them, and into a description
of manners, domestic life, &c.
862. Journal du Voyage fait a l'Equateur. Par M. de la Condamine. Paris,
1751. 4to. - Besides the detail of astronomical observations, this work is
interesting from the personal narrative of the labours of the academician,
and instructive on several points of physical and moral geography.