- This work, drawn up chiefly from the memoirs of the missionaries,
treats of the political, military, and moral state of the island, and more
briefly of its produce, animals, &c. - This briefness is compensated in the
following work:
837. Essai sur I'Histoire Naturelle de St. Domingue. Par le P. Nicolson.
Paris, 1766. 8vo.
838. Ed. Long's History of Jamaica. 3 vols. 4to. 1774. - A work of
sterling merit, and if read in conjunction with the following to supply the
natural history of the island, will leave little to be known respecting
this important island.
839. Pat. Brown's Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. 1756. folio.
840. Ligon's History of Barbadoes. 1695. 8vo.
841. Labat Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique. La Haye, 1724. 6 vols.
12mo. - This is esteemed the best work of Labat, and it certainly is very
instructive in all that relates to Martinique, Guadaloupe, St. Vincent, St.
Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Eustatius, &c.
842. Voyage a la Martinique. Par Chauvalson. Paris, 1763. 4to. - Natural
history, meteorology, agriculture, and manners.
843. Account of St. Michael, one of the Azores. By Dr. Webster. - This work,
which is published in America, contains an interesting description of St.
Michael, particularly in what relates to its natural history and geology.
844. Preliminar al Tomo primero de las Memorias Historico-Physicas,
Critico-Apologeticas, de la America Meridional. Par D.J.E. Lamo Zaputa.
Cadiz, 1759. 8vo.
845. Reise eineger Missionarien in Sud America. Von C. Gott. Von Murr.