In which, allowing for a little
exaggeration, in order to flatter the vanity of the French monarch, there
is a deal of curious and valuable information of all kinds.
739. Premier Voyage de Siam des P.P. Jesuites. Redige par Tachard. - Second
Voyage du P. Tachard, Paris, 1686-89. 2 Vols. 12mo.
740. Histoire Naturelle et Civile de Siam. Par Gervaise. Paris, 1688, 4to.
741. Description du Royaume de Siam. Par M. de la Loubere, Envoye
Extraordinaire du Roi aupres du Roi de Siam. Amsterd. 1714. 2 Vols. 12mo.
742. Barrow's Voyage to Cochin China, 1792-93. 4to. 1806. This is perhaps
the most valuable of Mr. Barrow's works, as it relates to a country not
previously known, except by the accounts of the missionaries, and which has
been scarcely visited since Mr. Barrow's time.
743. Relation Nouvelle et Curieuse du Royaume de Tonquin, et de Laos.
Traduite de l'Italien du P. de Marini. Paris, 1666, 4to. This work is full
of a variety of topics connected with the civil, political, military,
agricultural, and commercial state of Tonquin; nor is it deficient in what
relates to the natural history, and the manners, religion, &c. of the
744. Histoire Naturelle et Civile du Tonquin.