Barbary dried
peas are exported principally to Spain, paying a dollar the quintal. Fez
flour pays one dollar and a half per fanega; dates pay five dollars the
quintal; fowls and eggs, the former two dollars per dozen, the latter
two dollars per thousand; oranges and lemons pay a dollar the thousand.
Gold is brought from Soudan over the Desert, and is sometimes exported.
I have no account of it, and never heard it mentioned in Morocco as an
article of any importance.
Olive-oil is exported from the north, but not in great quantities. The
amount exported in a recent year was about the value of L6,000 sterling.
The olive is not so much cultivated in Morocco as in Tunis and Tripoli.
Besides the articles above mentioned, antimony, euphorbium, horns, hemp,
linseed, rice, maize, and dra, orchella weed, orris-root, pomegranate
peel, sarsaparilla, snuff, sponges, walnuts, garbanyos, gasoul, and
mineral soap, gingelane, and commin seeds, &c., are exported in various
quantities. [22]
It was reported in the mercantile circles, that representations would be
made to the Emperor to place the trade of the country upon a regular,
and more stable footing. All nations, indeed, would benefit by a change
which could not but be for the better. But I question whether his
Imperial Highness will give up his old and darling system of being the
sovereign-merchant of the Empire.