Similar barbarities were said to have been inflicted
by King Otho on prisoners in Greece, even on British Ionian subjects! I
recollect particularly the sewing up of fierce cats in the petticoats of
women. My experience in Morocco does not permit me to authenticate Mr.
Hay's horrible picture.
[24] "To his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, Sidi Muley Abd
"May it please your Majesty,
"A Society in England, having for its object the Abolition of Slavery
and the Slave Trade throughout the world, and denominated the British
and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, being informed of the pacific
intentions and friendly disposition of your Majesty towards our
Sovereign Queen and Government, and being informed likewise, that your
Majesty, in diplomatic relations with other Foreign Princes and States,
has universally manifested the greatest desire to preserve peace amongst
nations, and, of necessary consequence, the happiness of the human race,
are encouraged to approach your Majesty, and to plead on behalf of a
numerous and important class of your subjects, the negro and other black
"These are a people always faithful to their friends and protectors (a
most conspicuous and immediate proof of which is seen in your Majesty's
Imperial Guard, formed principally of this class of your faithful
subjects,) and exhibiting under suffering and oppression the greatest
patience and fortitude, yet, during the long course of bygone centuries,
they have been subjected to horrid cruelties and barbarities, in order
to pander to the vices and to satiate the avarice of their oppressors.