for the missus, two for the Maluka, and half a dozen each for the other
The traveller had no objection to beginning under a dozen, but Dan used
his allowance as a "relish" with his steak. "One egg!" he chuckled as he
shelled his relish and I enjoyed my breakfast. "Often wonder how ever
she keeps alive."
The damper proved "just a bit boggy" in the middle, so we ate the crisp
outside slices and gave the boggy parts to the boys. They appeared to
enjoy it, and seeing this, after breakfast the Maluka asked them what
they thought of the missus as a cook. "Good damper, eh?" he said, and
Billy Muck rubbing his middle, full of damper and satisfaction, answered:
"My word! That one damper good fellow. Him sit down long time", and all
the camp, rubbing middles, echoed his sentiments. The stodgy damper had
made them feel full and uncomfortable; and to be full and uncomfortable
after a meal spells happiness to a black fellow.
"Hope it won't sit too heavy on my chest," chuckled the man from Beyanst,
then, remembering that barely twelve hours before he had ridden into the
camp a stranger, began "begging pardon, ma'am," most profusely again, and
hoped we'd excuse him "making so free with a lady."
"It's your being so friendly like, ma'am," he explained.