- ED.
{50} Bergen is a town of about twenty-five thousand inhabitants,
situated near the Kons Fiord, on the west coast of Norway, and
distant about 350 miles from Christiania. It is the seat of a
bishopric, and a place of very considerable trade, its exports being
chiefly fish. It has given its name to a county and a township in
the state of New Jersey. There are three other Bergens, - one in the
island of Rugen, one in the Netherlands, and another in the
electorate of Hesse. - ED.
{51} Kulle is the Swedish for hill.
{52} Delekarlien is a Swedish province, situated ninety or one
hundred miles north of Stockholm.
{53} The family of Sturre was one of the most distinguished in
Sweden. Sten Sturre introduced printing into Sweden, founded the
University of Upsala, and induced many learned men to come over. He
was mortally wounded in a battle against the Danes, and died in
His successors as governors, Suante, Nilson Sturre, and his son,
Sten Sturre the younger, still live in the memory of the Swedish
nation, and are honoured for their patriotism and valour.
{54} The University of Upsala is the most celebrated in the north.
It owes its origin to Sten Sturre, the regent of the kingdom, by
whom it was founded in 1476, on the same plan as the University of
Paris. Through the influence of the Jesuits, who wished to
establish a new academy in Stockholm, it was dissolved in 1583, but
re-established in 1598. Gustavus Vasa, who was educated at Upsala,
gave it many privileges, and much encouragement; and Gustavus
Adolphus reconstituted it, and give it very liberal endowments.
There are twenty-four professors, and the number of students is
between four and five hundred. - ED.
{55} See novel of Ivar, the Skjuts Boy, by Miss Emilie Carlen.
{56} At Calmar was concluded, in 1397, the famous treaty which
bears its name, by which Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were united
under one crown, that crown placed nominally on the head of Eric
Duke of Pomerania, but virtually on that of his aunt Margaret, who
has received the name of "the Semiramis of the North." - ED.
{57} There is now a railway direct from Hamburgh to Berlin. - ED.
{58} A florin is about two shillings sterling. - ED.
{59} Herr T. Scheffer of Modling, near Vienna, gives the following
characteristic of this new dipteral animal, which belongs to the
family muscidae, and resembles the species borborus:
Antennae deflexae, breves, triarticulatae, articulo ultimo phoereco;
seda nuda.
Hypoctoma subprominulum, fronte lata, setosa. Oculi rotundi,
remoti. Abdomen quinque annulatum, dorso nudo. Tarsi simplices.
Alae incumbentes, abdomine longiores, nervo primo simplici.
Niger, abdomine nitido, antennis pedibusque rufopiceis.