How I Found Livingstone Travels, Adventures And Discoveries In Central Africa Including Four Months Residence With Dr. Livingstone By Sir Henry M. Stanley
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Ibrahim Was Inconsolable, And He Kept
Lamenting His Loss Daily In Such Lugubrious Tones That The People,
Instead Of Sympathizing, Laughed At Him.
I asked him why he
purchased such a slave, and, while he was with him, why he did not
feed him?
Replied he, tartly, "Was he not my slave? Was not the
cloth with which I bought him mine? If the cloth was my own,
could I not purchase what I liked? Why do you talk so?"
Ibrahim's heart was made glad this evening by the return of
Ulimengo with the salt and the cloth, and the one-eyed old man
danced with his great joy, and came in all haste to impart to me
the glad news. "Lo, the `World' has come back. Sure. My salt
and my cloth are with him also. Sure." To which I replied,
that he had better feed him in future, as slaves required food
as well as their masters.
From 10 P.M. to midnight the Doctor was employed in taking
observations from the star Canopus, the result of which was that
he ascertained Mpokwa, district of Utanda, Ukonongo, to be in S.
latitude 6 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds. On comparing it with
its position as laid down in my map by dead reckoning, I found
we differed by three miles; I having !aid it down at 6 degrees
15 minutes south latitude.
The day following was a halt. The Doctor's feet were so inflamed
and sore that he could not bear his shoes on.
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