- E.
[7] New Gallicia, to the north-west of Mexico and upon the Pacific Ocean,
is now included in the _Intendencia_ of Guadalaxara, and appears to
have been named Colima by the Mexicans. - E.
[8] Mechoacan, to the west of Mexico and reaching to the south sea forms
now the Intendency of Valladolid. - E.
[9] For the information of some readers, it may be proper to observe, that
the order of St John of Jerusalem, lately known by the name of the
order of Malta, then resided at Rhodes. - E.
[10] Santa Cruz is a small island in the Vermilion sea, on the eastern
coast of California, in lat. 25º 23' N. lon. 110º 47' W. from
Greenwich. - .E
[11] This appears to be the country now called Cinaloa, or Culiacan. The
strange appellation of the _seven cities_ seems to have reference to
that fancied ancient Spanish colony which has been formerly spoken of
in the introduction to the discovery of Columbus. - E.
[12] This name, which is not to be found in any map, is probably a mistake
for Zacatula, in lat. 18º N. on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, W.S.W.
from Mexico. - E.
[13] The expedition of Alvarado to Peru will be related in the subsequent
chapter. Diaz merely gives this slight hint on the subject.