V. Second Voyage to Guinea in 1556, by William Towerson.
VI. Third Voyage of William Towerson to Guinea in 1558.
VII. Notices of an intended Voyage to Guinea, in 1561.
VIII. Voyage to Guinea in 1562, written by William Rutter.
IX. Supplementary Account of the foregoing Voyage.
X. Voyage to Guinea in 1563 by Robert Baker.
XI. A Voyage to Guinea in 1564, by Captain David Carlet.
XII. A Voyage to Guinea and the Cape de Verd Islands in 1566, by George
XIII. Embassy of Mr Edmund Hogan to Morocco in 1577, written by himself.
XIV. Embassy of Henry Roberts from Queen Elizabeth to Morocco, in 1585,
written by himself.
SECT. XV. Voyage to Benin beyond Guinea in 1588, by James Welsh.
XVI. Supplement to the foregoing Voyage, in a Letter from Anthony Ingram
the chief factor, written from Plymouth to the Owners, dated 9th
September, the day of arriving at Plymouth.
XVII. Second Voyage of James Welsh to Benin, in 1590.
VIII. Voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassel to the Rivers Senegal
and Gambia adjoining to Guinea, in 1591.
CHAP. VIII. Some miscellaneous early Voyages of the English.
SECT. I. Gallant escape of the Primrose from Bilboa in Spain, in 1585.
II. Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, in 1585, to the West Indies.
III. Cruising Voyage to the Azores by Captain Whiddon, in 1586, written
by John Evesham.
IV. Brief relation of notable service performed by Sir Francis Drake in
V. Brief account of the Expedition of the Spanish Armada in 1588.
VI. Account of the Relief of a part of the Spanish Armada, at Anstruther
in Scotland, in 1588.
VII. A cruising Voyage to the Azores in 1589, by the Earl of Cumberland.
VIII. Valiant Sea Fight by Ten Merchant Ships of London against Twelve
Spanish Gallies, in the Straits of Gibraltar, on the 24th April 1590.
IX. A valiant Sea Fight in the Straits of Gibraltar, in April 1591, by
the Centurion of London, against five Spanish Gallies.
X. Sea-Fight near the Azores, between the Revenge man of war, commanded
by Sir Richard Granville, and fifteen Spanish men of war, 31st August
1591. Written by Sir Walter Raleigh.
SECT. XI. Note of the Fleet of the Indies, expected in Spain this year
1591; with the number that perished, according to the examination of
certain Spaniards, lately taken and brought to England.
XII. Report of a Cruizing Voyage to the Azores in 1581, by a fleet of
London ships sent with supplies to the Lord Thomas Howard. Written by
Captain Robert Flicke.
XIII. Exploits of the English in several Expeditions and cruizing
Voyages from 1589 to 1592; extracted from John Huighen van Linschoten.
XIV. Cruising voyage to the Azores, in 1592, by Sir John Burrough,
XV. The taking of two Spanish Ships, laden with quicksilver and the
Popes bulls, in 1592, by Captain Thomas White.