Or any part of the country to the distance of a hundred and thirty
leagues to the south of that city, even in the event of being named by the
king to to its government; and they add, that in addressing himself on
this occasion to the holy body of Christ, he used these words, "If I
should violate the oath which I now make, I pray, O Lord! that thou mayest
punish and confound me in body and soul."
After this solemn agreement; Almagro prepared everything for his departure,
and accordingly set out with above five hundred men, as shall be related
in the next section. Pizarro returned to Lima, whence he sent Alfonso de
Alvarado to conquer the country of the Chachapoyas, which is in the
mountainous region of Peru about sixty leagues from Truxillo. This officer
and his followers encountered much difficulty and labour in this
enterprize, in which they at length succeeded, by forming establishments
and reducing the inhabitants to submission; after which, the government of
the province was conferred upon Alvarado, by whom the conquest had been
[1] With regard to this person, the original French translator makes the
following observation: "Perhaps this is the person named Hernando de
Luque at the beginning of the first section, who is said to have been
one of the original adventurers in the enterprize.