The Emperor Was Pleased, On Due Consideration Of
These Documents, To Order That All Favour Should Be Shewn To Our General,
And That The Proceedings Respecting The Government Of New Spain Should Be
Suspended Until His Majesty Returned Into Spain.
We were much disappointed on receiving intelligence of the loss of our
treasure, and the detention of our agent
In France; yet Cortes honourably
reserved the district of Guatitlan for Avila, notwithstanding his
captivity, and gave it three years afterwards to a brother of Alonzo de
Avila, who was then promoted to be _contador_ of Yucutan.
[1] The province here named Panuco, is situated on the coast of the gulf
of Mexico, at the mouth of a considerable river which drains the
superfluous waters of the Mexican vale, named at first Rio del Desague,
then Rio de Tula, and Rio Tampico at its mouth, in about lat. 22 deg. 15'
N. The Modern town of Panuco is about 200 miles almost due north from
Mexico. - E.
[2] These were probably the Chichimecas and Otomies, who inhabited to the
north-west of the Mexican empire. - E.
[3] From these slight notices, nothing certain can be gathered respecting
these large bones: Yet there is every reason to believe they must have
been of the same kind with those now familiar to the learned world,
under the name of _Mammoth_. The vale of Mexico has every indication
of having once been an immense inland lake, and the other _big bones_
of North America have all been found in places of a similar
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