Mexico - A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 4 - By Robert Kerr
 -  When the Spaniards broke up these
sepulchres on purpose to take possession of their buried treasures, the
Peruvians requested of - Page 296
Mexico - A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 4 - By Robert Kerr - Page 296 of 421 - First - Home

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When The Spaniards Broke Up These Sepulchres On Purpose To Take Possession Of Their Buried Treasures, The Peruvians Requested Of Them Not To Disturb The Bones Of The Dead, That They Might Not Be Hindered In Their Resurrection.

In the burial ceremony, the relations of the deceased used to pour some of the liquor formerly mentioned, named _Chica_, into the grave, of which a portion was conveyed by some hollow canes into the mouth of the dead person.

On the top of the tomb or sepulchre, wooden images were placed, representing the appearance of the deceased; but on the graves of the lower orders, they satisfied themselves by some painted emblems of their profession or employment, more especially if they happened to be warriors.

In all the provinces of Peru there were certain nobles or principal persons, of whom the chiefs or rulers were named _curacas_, similar in every respect to the caciques of the islands. As the Spaniards who conquered Peru had been accustomed to name many things according to the language of Hispaniola and Cuba, and were at first ignorant of the Peruvian language, they continued to employ the terms to which they had been accustomed; and the Peruvians have so far accommodated themselves to this language, especially in speaking to the Spaniards, that they mostly use these terms. Thus they call those chiefs _caciques_, who in their own language are named _curacas_, their bread corn and drink, which in the Peruvian are _zara_ and _azua_, they denominate _maize_ and _chica_, which names were brought from the islands by the Spaniards. These curacas or caciques were the judges and protectors of their subjects in peace, and their leaders in war against the neighbouring tribes. The whole people of Peru lived in that manner for many years under a multiplicity of independent chiefs, having no king or supreme chief; until at length a warlike nation came from the environs of the great lake Titicaca named the Incas in the language of Peru. These men had their heads close shaven, and their ears pierced, in which they wore large round pendents of gold, by which their ears were dragged down upon their shoulders, in consequence of which they were called _ringrim_, or the large ears. Their chief was called _Zapalla Inca_[30], or the only king; though others say that he was named _Inca Vira cocha_, or the king from the scum of the lake, because the astonished natives, not knowing the origin of their invaders, believed that they had started into existence from the scum or mud of the great lake. This great lake of Titicaca is about eighty leagues in circumference, from which a large river runs to the southwards, which in some places is half a league in breadth, and which discharges its waters into a small lake about forty leagues from the great lake, which has no outlet. This circumstance gives great astonishment to many, who are unable to comprehend how so vast a body of water should disappear in so small a reservoir.

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