With an open Bible, Spanish America would have progressed as North
America has done. Without the enlightening influences of that Word,
behold the darkness! Could anything be more eloquent than the
prosperity of the land of the Pilgrim Fathers in proclaiming the
value of the open Bible?
Mr. Hudson Taylor, of the China Inland Mission, speaking on a recent
occasion, said: "I always pray for South America. It is a most needy
part of the world, and wants your prayers as well as mine. The
workers there have great difficulties to contend with, and of the
same sort as we have in China, from Roman Catholicism - the most God-
dishonoring system in the world. The heathen need your prayers, but
the Roman Catholic needs them ten times more. He is ten times as much
in the dark as the heathen themselves are."
The Missionary Review of the World describes South America as
"Earth's darkest land." Do you not think, O reader, the words are
most truly applied?
"There are in South America eight hundred missionaries, men and
women, from Great Britain, the Continent of Europe, Canada and the
United States. In Canada and the United States there is on an average
one Protestant minister for every 514 persons. In South America each
missionary has a constituency of about fifty thousand, indicating a
need in proportion of population one hundred times as great as in the
Protestant countries of North America." [Footnote: