To This Image Many People Come With
Their Diseases, For She Is Supposed To Have Power To Cure All.
On a
special day of the procession, people receive pardon for particular
sins if they only carry out the
Bidding of 'Our Lady,' She seems to
order some extraordinary things, such as crawling in the streets with
big rocks on the head after the procession, or painting one's self
all the colors of the rainbow. One man was painted black, while
others wore wigs and beards of a long parasitic grass which grows
from the trees. Some were dressed in sackcloth, and all were doing
penance for some sin or crime. This little image was carried by
priests, incense was burned before her, and at intervals in the
journey she was put on lovely altars, on which sat little girls
dressed in blue and green, with wings of white, representing angels.
Some weeks ago 'Our Lady' was carried through the streets to collect
money for the bull-fights got up in her honor. She is said to be very
fond of these fights, which are immoral and full of bloody cruelty.
This year the bulls were to kill the men, or the men the bulls, and
the awful drunkenness I cannot describe. After this collection the
bishop came over here, and is said to have taken away some of the
money. Soon after he died, and the people here say that 'Our Lady'
was angry with him."
From a recent list of prayers used in the Church of Rome I select the
following expressions:
"Queen of heaven and earth, Mother of God,
my Sovereign Mistress, I present myself before
you as a poor mendicant before a mighty Queen.
"All is subject to Mary's empire, even God
Himself. Jesus has rendered Mary omnipotent:
the one is omnipotent by nature, the other
omnipotent by grace.
"You, O Holy Virgin, have over God the authority
of a mother.
"It is impossible that a true servant of Mary
should be damned.
"My soul is in the hands of Mary, so that if
the Judge wishes to condemn me the sentence
must pass through this clement Queen, and she
knows how to prevent its execution.
"We, Holy Virgin, hope for grace and salvation
from you.
"Dispensatrix of Divine Grace."
How history repeats itself! How hard paganism is to kill! The ancient
Egyptians worshipped the "Queen of Heaven." Jeremiah, as far back as
587 B.C., prophesied desolation to Judah for having "burned incense
to the Queen of Heaven," and poured out "drink offerings" unto her,
and "made cakes to worship her." - Jer. xliv. 17-19.
Of the wise men (Matthew ii.) we read: "And when they were come
into the house, they saw the young child with Mary, His mother, and
fell down and worshipped Him."
The South American version of Matthew 11:28, as may be seen carved on
a stone of the Jesuit Church in Cuzco, is: "Come to MARY, all you who
are laden with works, and weary beneath the weight of your sins, and
she will alleviate you," A literal translation of one of the
prayers offered to her reads:
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