Far Away And Long Ago A History Of My Early Life By W. H. Hudson

 -  At another spot fennel
flourished by itself, as if it had some mysterious power, perhaps its
peculiar smell, of keeping - Page 61
Far Away And Long Ago A History Of My Early Life By W. H. Hudson - Page 61 of 355 - First - Home

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At Another Spot Fennel Flourished By Itself, As If It Had Some Mysterious Power, Perhaps Its Peculiar Smell, Of Keeping Other Plants At A Proper Distance.

It formed quite a thicket, and grew to a height of ten or twelve feet. This spot was a

Favourite haunt of mine, as it was in a waste place at the furthest point from the house, a wild solitary spot where I could spend long hours by myself watching the birds. But I also loved the fennel for itself, its beautiful green feathery foliage and the smell of it, also the taste, so that whenever I visited that secluded spot I would rub the crushed leaves in my palms and chew the small twigs for their peculiar fennel flavour.

Winter made a great change in the plantation, since it not only stripped the trees of their leaves but swept away all that rank herbage, the fennel included, allowing the grass to grow again. The large luxuriantly-growing annuals also disappeared from the garden and all about the house, the big four-o'clock bushes with deep red stems and wealth of crimson blossoms, and the morning-glory convolvulus with its great blue trumpets, climbing over and covering every available place with its hop-like mass of leaves and abundant blooms. My life in the plantation in winter was a constant watching for spring. May, June, and July were the leafless months, but not wholly songless. On any genial and windless day of sunshine in winter a few swallows would reappear, nobody could guess from where, to spend the bright hours wheeling like house-martins about the house, revisiting their old breeding-holes under the eaves, and uttering their lively little rippling songs, as of water running in a pebbly stream.

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