2. Another pupil gives a short talk on the location, size and surface of
Puerto Rico, using a large map.
3. History of Puerto Rico by the class historian.
4. Climate of Puerto Rico, with description of a West Indies hurricane.
5. Preparation for the trip.
6. Recitation - "Southern Seas" (given on the following pages).
7. Song, - "Life on the Ocean Wave."
8. Description of our voyage, by a pupil who has made an ocean voyage.
9. Harbor and city of San Juan.
10. Points of interest in the city.
11. Homes and home life of the people of the island.
12. Characteristics of the people of Puerto Rico.
13. Child life and education.
14. Amusements.
15. Burden-Bearing.
16. Travel.
17. The farmer.
18. The laborer.
19. Glimpses of cities in Puerto Rico.
20. A country home.
21. Animal life.
22. Plant life.
23. Recitation, "Puerto Rico," poem.
24. Conclusion.
25. Announcements.
26. Song - "America."
Before the concluding song, announcement may be made of the plan for a
series of afternoons or evenings abroad. Speak of the purpose of these
entertainments and express a hope that all those present will attend the
next entertainment - "An Afternoon [or Evening] in Hawaii."
Yes! let us mount this gallant ship,
Spread canvas to the wind; -
Up! we will seek the glowing South, -
Leave care and cold behind.