(Further suggestions in
regard to these "helps" will be found elsewhere in this book.)
The principal features of the country passed through may be described,
if time permits; also the more important cities. Note the population,
occupations, productions, together with anything of special interest or
historical importance associated with the city or locality.
The _Guide_ takes charge of the class in the same way that a tourist
guide would do. He escorts us from the home depot to the city, state, or
country, pointing out the route on a map suspended before the class.
Arriving at the city or country, he takes us to the various points of
interest, telling as much about each as he is able, and answering
questions pupils may wish to ask. If the guide can not answer all
questions, the teacher or some other member of the party may.
When the guide has finished with a topic or section, other members of
the party may give items of interest concerning it.
A different pupil may act as guide to each city or part of the country
visited, and each pupil should come to the class with a list of
questions about the places.