Come from that point would also be
a great convenience to us, as I did not purpose to quit its banks as
long as it continued to run any thing north of east.
As to the soil and general description of country passed over this day,
the low-lands were all swamps covered with atriplex bushes, and where
the land was a little more elevated, the soil was sandy and barren,
covered with acacias, dodonaeae, small cypresses and dwarf box-trees. Our
course was E. 4. N. 6 3/4 miles; but by the windings of the river, we had
measured nearly 12 miles. The lake I named Campbell Lake, in honour of
Mrs. Macquarie's family name.
July 24. - At day-light we attempted to construct our bridge near to the
place where we were encamped, but as fast as the trees were felled they
were swept away by the rapidity of the current; the breadth on an
average being now, by reason of the flood, nearly sixty feet, and the
trees on the immediate or proper banks being several feet in the water:
we were therefore obliged to fell trees farther inland, and these, as
before remarked, were swept away, falling short of the land on the
opposite side.