EURYBRACHYS LAETA, pl. 4, fig. 3.
Head thorax and upper wings of a rich brown colour, the outer edge of the
last is deep black, with a transverse yellowish spot just before the
middle, the remainder of the edge slightly spotted with black, upper side
covered with short blackish hairs; lower wings deep black; abdomen of a
bright red, with a round white tuft on the upper side near the end; first
two pairs of legs of a deep brown, with some reddish lines; hind legs
ferruginous with blackish spines.
Expanse of wings 7 lines.
Hab. Australia.
Head very small in front, blunt; lateral ocelli close to the eyes, space
between them with long hairs.
Prothorax very large, extending back in a rounded form beyond the base of
hind wings, the sides sharp pointed, the back very convex and wrinkled.
Body and under parts densely clothed with hair.
This very singular genus differs from all the Stridulantes in the size
and shape of the prothorax; in the neuration of the elytra it is allied
to PLATYPLEURA (Amyst and Serville) in the size of head and hairiness of
body it approaches CARINETA of the same authors. The Pupa, (fig. 5.)
differs in the form of fore legs from those of the other Cicada.
TETTIGARCTA TOMENTOSA, pl. 4, fig. 4, and 5 its pupa.
Of a brownish ash colour, the hairs on upper part of body short and deep
brown, on the sides and under parts long and grey; prothorax varied with
black, in front, two large patches covered with grey hairs, mixed with
longer; elytra spotted and varied with brown, wings clear, somewhat
ferruginous at the base.