Caught by hook, 17th August, 1841.
Poor eating.
No. 20. - LABRUS? - Native name, KNELMICK, KIELMICK, or KIELNMICK.
"Rock-cod" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 22; A. 14."
Tail square. Very common on rocky coasts. Soft, indifferent eating.
Caught by the hook, 3rd May, 1841.
No. 9. - LABRUS? - Native name, PARIL. "Common rock-fish of the sealers.
"Rays, D. 9-11; A. 2-11, etc."
Mouth furnished with small sharp teeth. Caught by hook, 12th March, 1841.
No. 37. - LABRUS? - Native name, PARIL, KUHOUL, or BOMBURN. "Black
rock-fish" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 9-11; A. 3-10 seconds, etc."
Inhabits rocky shores, and grows to the size of fifteen or twenty pounds
weight. Poor, soft eating. Speared by Warrawar, 12th May, 1841.
No. 7. - LABRUS? - Native name, POKONG. "Brown rock-fish" of the sealers.
"Rays, D. 9-12; A. 3-10," etc.
Flesh soft and poor. Inhabitants rocky shores; very common. Caught by
hook, 12th March, 1841.
No. 18. - CRENILABRUS? - Native name, KNELMICH, MINAME, or MINAMEN. Common
"rock-fish" or "Parrot" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 8-11; A. 2-10," etc.
Poor and soft. Inhabits bold rocky shores, where it is troublesome to the
fisher by carrying off his bait. Caught by hook, 3rd May, 1841.
No. 12. - LABRUS? - Native name IANON'T, WOROGUT, or CUMBEAK. "Rays, D. 30;
A. 12." Tail rounded, teeth very small.
Inhabits weedy places in deep water, and along sandy bays.