me, however, beg that you will guard, against any unnecessary exposure to
risk, that life in the preservation of which we all feel so deep a
concern. With the assurance of the gratitude, esteem, and admiration of
my brother colonists, permit me now to present you with 854 pounds, being
the proportion of the public subscription awarded to you.
Dr. LEICHHARDT (who was evidently deeply affected) said: Mr. Chairman and
Gentlemen, I thank you for the munificent gift with which you have
honoured me - I thank you for the congratulations for the past - for your
kind wishes for my approaching expedition. [Note. 1] I feel the more the
weight of your generous liberality, as I am conscious how much your
kindness has overvalued my deserts; but I shall try to render myself
worthy of it; and I hope that the Almighty, who has so mercifully taken
care of me on my former expedition, will grant me skill and strength to
continue my explorations, and will render them equally successful and
beneficial to this colony. May his blessings attend the generous people
who have shown, by the honours they have done me, how great an interest
they take in the advancement of discovery.
Mr. C. COWPER then moved a vote of thanks to the Committee and their
Secretary, which was acknowledged by Mr. R. GRAHAM, when the business of
the meeting closed.