[8] Socotora is called Scorsia or Scoria in the Trevigi edition. - E.
Of Madagascar, Ethiopia, Abyssinia, and several other Countries[1].
A thousand miles south from Socotora is Magaster[2] or Madagascar, one of
the largest and richest islands in the world[3], 3000 miles in
circumference, which is inhabited by Saracens, and governed by four old
men. The currents of the sea in those parts are of prodigious force. The
people live by merchandize, and sell vast quantifies of elephants teeth
[4]. Mariners report strange stories of a prodigiously large bird like an
eagle, called Ruch, said to be found in this country.
Zensibar or Zanguebar, is also said to be of great extent, and inhabited by
a very deformed people; and the country abounds in elephants and antelopes,
and a species of sheep very unlike to ours.
I have heard from mariners and skilful pilots, much versant in the Indian
seas, and have seen in their writings, that these seas contain 12,700
islands, inhabited or desert.
In the Greater India, which is between Moabar or the Coromandel coast on
the east, round to Chesmacoran on the north-west, there are thirteen
kingdoms. India Minor is from Ziambo to Murfili[5], in which are eight
kingdoms and many islands.
The second or Middle India is called Abascia[6], of which the chief king is
a Christian, who has six other kings subject to his authority, three of
whom are Christians and three of them Mahometans; there are also Jews in
his dominions.