The districts of India have been continually
changing their names with changes of dominion; and one or other of
these names given by Marco to the diamond country, may at one time
have been the designation of some town or district at the mines - E.
[2] One would suppose we were here reading a fragment of the adventures of
Sinbad the sailor, from the Arabian Nights. But on this and a few
other similar occasions in the narrative of Marco, it is always proper
to notice carefully what he says on his own knowledge, and what he
only gives on the report of others. - E.
[3] This obscure expression seems to imply, that Aster was one of the four
kings in Moabar, or the Carnatic. - E.
[4] Now called Betel, and still universally used in India in the same
manner. - E
[5] Coulam may possibly be Cochin or Calicut, on the Malabar coast as being
south-west from Moabar or Coromandel, and having Jews and Christians;
as the original trade from the Red Sea to India was on this coast. - E.
[6] Camari or Comati, and Delai or Orbai, are obviously the names of towns
and districts on the Malabar coast going north from Coulain. Yet
Comari may refer to the country about Cape Comorin. - E.
[7] According to Pinkerton, these are called Melibar and Gesurach in the
Trevigi edition, and he is disposed to consider the last as indicating
Geriach, because of the pirates.