[5] The country of the genuine rhubarb has been described by the great
Russian traveller Palas, as situated on the river Selingol, not far
from the town of Selinga, which falls into the Chattungol, Hoang-ho,
Choango, or Karamuren. - Forst.
The travels of Palas will be found in an after portion of this work;
and it need only be remarked in this place, that there are at least
two kinds of true rhubarb, the China and Russia; and that two species
of the genus, the R. Palmatum and R. Undulatum, certainly produce the
drug nearly of the same quality, and are probably to be found in
various parts of central Asia or Tartary, - E.
[6] Kampion, Kampition, Kampiciou, Kantscheu, or Kan-tcheou, in the Chinese
province of Shensi, on the Etzine-moren, or Etchine river, which joins
the Souk. - Forst.
[7] Eziva, or Etzine, on a river of the same name, which runs into the Suck
or Souhouk. - Forst.
Of the City of Caracarum and of the Tartars, with some account of their
History, Monarchs, and Manners.
Having passed over the before mentioned desert of forty days, travelling
always to the northward, we come to the large city of Charachoran, or
Caracarum[1] which is three miles in circumference, and strongly fortified
with an earthen rampart, as there is no stone in these parts. Near the city
there is a great castle with an elegant palace, in which the governor
usually resides.