[2] Charchan, Charcham, Carcam, Hiarkand, Jarkun, Jerket, Jerken, Urkend;
such are the varieties in the editions of these travels, for the
Yarkand of modern maps. This paragraph ought obviously to have
followed the account of Cashgar. - E.
[3] Cotan, Cotam, Hotum, Khoten, Khotan, from which the useful material of
manufacture, cotton, takes its name. But instead of being between
the east and north-east direction from Yarkand, as in the text, or
E.N.E. it is actually E.S.E. - E.
[4] Called likewise Ciarciam, Ciartiam, and Sartam, in different editions.
- E.
[5] The journey from Sartem to Lop is obviously retrograde, and this course
must have been pursued by the Polos for commercial purposes; perhaps
for collecting those valuable stones which are mentioned by Marco as
giving so much profit when sold in China. - E.
[6] Schatscheu, Tschat-scheu, or Chat-chou, on the Polonkir, which runs
into the Hara lake. - E.
[7] It is highly probable that this emblematical representation had been
substituted by some humane legislator or conqueror, in place of the
actual sacrifice of the servants, cattle, and goods themselves, which
we are well assured was once the practice among many rude nations, in
honour of their deceased great men. - E.
Of the Province of Chamil and several other Countries on the road from
thence to the City of Ezina; and of another great Desert.