A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 1 - By Robert Kerr

 -  - Forst.

[10] Est-mere, a lake of fresh water, into which the Elbing and Vistula
    empty themselves; now called Frisch - Page 34
A General History And Collection Of Voyages And Travels - Volume 1 - By Robert Kerr - Page 34 of 810 - First - Home

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- Forst. [10] Est-Mere, A Lake Of Fresh Water, Into Which The Elbing And Vistula Empty Themselves; Now Called Frisch-Haf, Or The Fresh Water Sea. - Forst.

[11] This is undoubtedly the Elbing which flows from lake Drausen, or Truso, and joins, by one of its branches, that arm of the Vistula which is called Neugat or Nogat.

- Forst.

[12] The Ilfing, or Elbing, comes out of Esthonia, yet not from the east, as here said by Alfred, but from the south; except, indeed, he mean that arm of the Elbing which runs into the Nogat, or eastern arm of the Vistula. But the Vistula comes out of Wendenland, called Weonodland in the text, from the south; and the two rivers discharge themselves into the Frisch-haf, which stretches from west to north, or in a north-east direction; and at Pilau, goes northwards into the sea. It is certainly possible that this entrance may have been formerly called Wisle-mund, or the mouth of the Vistula, as well as the western mouth of that river. - Forst.

This concession is not necessary to the truth of Wulfstan and Alfred. There is a cross branch from Elbing, which joins the Nogat and Vistula proper; and which is probably meant in the text, where the Ilfing and Wisle, united, are said to run to the west of Est-mere, or the haf, and then north, into the sea at Wisle-mund. - E.

[13] This circumstance is singular; yet may be explained from the custom of the Tartars.

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