531-535. 538.
Holland, 83. 96. 162. 167. 172. 175. 193. - See Netherlands.
Holstein, 246. 320.
Hungary, 107. 124. 160. 194. 284. 306, 307. 316. 322. 330.
Hudson's Bay, 799.
I and J
Japan, 681. 684. 757-760.
Java, 756.
Jamaica, 148.
Jerusalem, 95. 97. 135. 140.
Jersey, 552.
Jura, 461.
Jutland, 246.
_Instructions_ for Travellers, 1-13.
Iceland, 228-234.
Indian Archipelago, 755.
Ionian Islands, 285. 305. 417.
Ireland, 78. 508. 514-516. 539-549.
Italy, 99, 100, 101. 104. 114. 121. 159-163. 167. 171. 173. 176-178. 183,
184. 187. 189, 190. 194. 196. 316. 385-430.
Kamstchatcha, 130. 786-788.
Karamania, 697.
Lapland, 104, 223-226. 237-239. 242. 247.
Lakes of Cumberland, &c., 488.
Levant, 81. 88. 115. 128. 139. 181. 597.
Lithuania, 249.
Lipari Isles, 416.
Loo Choo, 772.
Louisiania, 825-827.
Madeira, 127. 148. 622. 650.
Madagascar, 130. 150. 665, 666. 668.
Magellan Straits, 147.
Maldives, 151.
Malta, 170. 393. 395, 396. 415.
Man, Isle of, 527. 550, 551.
Malacca, 685.
Martinique, 841, 842.
Mauritius, 667. 669, 670.
Mecklenbergh, 320.
Mexico, 828, 829. 863-865.
Morocco, 156. 591-594. 598. 603.
Moluccas, 151.
Moldavia, 323.
Mogul Empire, 684. - See E. Indies.
Naples, 392-394. 414. 424. 428.
Netherlands, 159, 160. 167. 180. 470-482. - See Holland.
Nepaul, 777-779.
New Hampshire, 815.
- - Guinea, 878. 880.
- - Holland, 881-884.
- - Zealand, 885.
Norway, 78. 227. 239. 241-245.
Normandy, 438. 441, 442.
Nubia, 133. 614. 618. 620.
Orkney Islands, 521.