108. 111. 287. 289. 297. 301.
Corsica, 397. 419.
Congo, 638.
Cochin-China, 742.
Corea, 771, 772.
Crimea, 290-293. 789.
Cumana, 846.
Cyprus, 136. 695.
Damascus, 97. 135.
Darfour, 131.
Dalmatia, 195. 283. 304, 305. 427.
Danube, 333, 334.
Dauphiny, 452.
Dahomy, 635.
Denmark, 179. 190. 236. 243.
Desert, Great, of Africa, 595, 596.
East Indies, 81. 85. 90. 102. 110. 118. 123. 132. 134. 137. 151-154. 679.
690. 706, 707. 716-748.
Egypt, 100. 102-104. 106-108. 110, 111. 113. 117, 118. 121. 131. 135-138.
605 - 620.
Elba, 404, 405.
England, 96. 175. 178. 180. 192. 199. 483-520.
- - , Western Counties, 488. 500.
- - , Northern, 489, 490. 497.
- - , Southern, 497.
- - , Eastern, 488. 497.
Ethiopia, 137. 608. 615. 619, 620. 673.
Etna, 391. 420.
Feroe Isles, 235.
Fez, 591. 593. 598-600.
Finland, 237.
Florida, 794. 798. 824.
France, 77. 79. 96. 104. 158, 159. 163-165. 167. 171, 172. 177. 180. 182.
184. 193, 194. 197. 199. 431-469.
Friesland, 354.
Georgia, 80. 88. 712-715.
- - in America, 798.
Germany, 79. 83. 85. 104. 158-160. 162. 165, 166. 172. 175. 177. 179.
183, 184. 187-190. 194. 196, 197. 199. 244. 313-354.
Glaciers, the, 361-363.
Greece, 89. 101. 103, 104. 107, 108. 113, 114. 116. 160. 169. 181. 196.
279-282. 285-287. 294-299. 301-305.
Guadaloupe, 841.
Guayana, 846-849.
Guernsey, 553, 554.
Guinea, 145. 149, 150. 630-634.
Histories of Voyages and Travels, 14-43.
Hanover, 326.
Hartz Mountains, 338-340.
Hesse, 341.
Hebrides, 519, 520.