Lisbon, 1626, 4to. - This work has been translated into French,
Italian, Flemish, and Spanish; it contains the narrative of the first
passage of the Himalaya Mountains. (_See Quarterly Review, No. 48. page
337, &c._)
776. Turner's Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teesho Lama, in
Thibet. 1800, 4to. - This work is full of information and interest: it
relates to the soil, climate, and produce of Thibet; the moral character,
and especially the singular religion of the inhabitants, and their
institutions, manufactures, disorders, &c.
777. Kirkpatrick's Account of Nepaul in 1793. 4to. - This is one of the best
accessions to our information respecting this part of Asia which has been
produced by our establishments in India.
778. Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul. By Francis Hamilton, (formerly
Buchanan). 1819, 4to. - The same character applies to this as to the other
work by the same author.
779. Fraser's Journal of a Tour through part of the Snowy Ridge of the
Himalaya Mountains. 1820. 4to. - Notwithstanding Mr. Fraser's ignorance of
natural history, in a country quite new, and full of most interesting
objects in this science, and that he had no means of measuring heights, or
ascertaining the temperature or pressure of the air; and notwithstanding a
want of method, and a heaviness and prolixity in the style, this book
possesses great interest, from the scenes of nature and pictures of manners
which it exhibits.