2 vols. 4to. - The opportunities which M. Morier possessed from
his residence in Persia being much superior to those of a mere traveller,
his work is justly regarded as one of authority on the civil, political,
domestic, and commercial circumstances of the Persians.
710. Sir W. Ousely's Travels in Persia. 1810-12. 4to. - The connexion
between England and Persia, formed, or rather strengthened, in consequence
of the vicinity of our East India possessions to that country, has much
extended our knowledge of it, and this work has contributed not a little to
that knowledge.
711. Kotzebue's Narrative of a Journey into Persia, in the Suite of the
Imperial Embassy, in 1817. 8vo. - It is always desirable to have travels
performed in the same country, especially if it be one remote and little
known, by persons of different nations: thus, different views of the same
circumstances are given, and the truth is elicited. These travels are
interesting in this and other points of view.
712. Ker Porter's Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia,
&c. 2. vols. 4to. - A severer judgment, by suppressing much that is minute
and uninteresting, and dwelling more on important matters, and a knowledge
of natural history, would have enhanced the value of these travels, which,
however, are much more creditable to the author than his Travels in Russia.