vols. 12mo. - Though Labat never visited the countries he describes, which
are, Senegal, and those that lie behind Cape Blanc and Sierra Leone; yet as
he derived his information from the Director General of the French African
Company, it may be depended upon. This work enters into full particulars on
the subject of African commerce, especially that carried on by the Moors in
the interior. The plants, animals, soil, &c. as well as the religion,
government, customs, manufactures are also described.
624. Histoire Naturelle du Senegal. Par M. Adanson. Paris. 1757. 4to. - M.
Adanson was in this part of Africa, from 1749 to 1753; his chief study and
investigation seems to have been directed to conchology; and the
descriptions and admirable plates in his book, certainly leave little to be
desired on this subject. There are besides remarks on the temperature,
productions, economy, and manufactures of the country.
625. Nouvelle Histoire de l'Afrique Francaise. Par M. l'Abbe Dumanet.
Paris, 1767. 2 vols. 12mo. - Dumanet was a missionary in Africa, and seems
to have united to religious zeal, much information, and an ardent desire to
gain all the knowledge, which his residence and character placed within his
reach. His notices regarding Senegal in particular, are very valuable, but
his work is not distinguished for order or method.
626. Relations de plusieurs Voyages entrepris a la Cote d'Afrique, au
Senegal, a Goree, &c. tirees des Journeaux de M. Saugnier. Paris, 1799.
8vo. - M. Saugnier was shipwrecked on the Coast of Africa, along with M.
Follies, and was a long time a slave to the Moors, and the Emperor of