614. Norden's Travels in Egypt and Nubia, with Templeman's notes, published
and translated under the inspection of the Royal Society of London, 1757, 2
vols. folio. - Norden was a Danish physician; his work was originally
published in that language. A French translation was published at
Copenhagen, in 1755; and a subsequent one at Paris in 1795-98, in 3 vols.
4to. with very valuable notes and illustrations from ancient and modern
authors, and Arabian geographers, by Langles. The merits of Norden's work,
are of the most enduring and substantial kind, so far as relates to the
Antiquities of Egypt, and the Cataracts: it is high and unequivocal
commendation of this author, that subsequent travellers have found him a
judicious and sure guide.
615. Legh's Journey in Egypt, and the Country beyond the Cataract, 1816,
4to. - In a small compass, there is much new information in these Travels,
though not so much respecting the ancient country of the Ethiopians, in
which Mr. Legh went beyond most former travellers, as could have been
wished. Some parts of the personal narrative are uncommonly interesting.
616. Belzoni's Operations and Discoveries in Egypt, 4to. 1820. - Whoever has
read this book, (and who has not?) will agree with us in opinion, that its
interest is derived, not less from the manner in which it is written, the
personal adventures, and the picture it exhibits of the author's character,
than from its splendid and popular antiquarian discoveries.