4 vols.
8vo. - This work is chiefly devoted to the fine arts, of which it enters
into a full and minute description. There are also notices of antiquities,
and natural history. It is admirably printed by Bodoni.
582. Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa. By the late
John Leyden, M.D., enlarged and completed to the present time by Hugh
Murray, Esq., 2 vols. 8vo. 1817. - A useful, correct, and, in general,
accurate and complete compilation, which satisfies the purpose and promise
held out in the title.
583. Leoni Africani totius Africae Descriptionis. Lib. VIII. Leyd. 1682.
8vo. - This work was originally written in Arabic, then translated into
Italian by the author, and from Italian into Latin, French, Dutch, and
English. The Italian translation is the only correct one: to the French,
which is expanded into 2 vols. folio, and was published at Lyons in 1566,
there are appended several accounts of Voyages and Travels in Africa. Leo
was a Spanish Moor, who left Spain at the reduction of Grenada, and
travelled a long time in Europe, Asia, and Africa: his description of the
northern parts of Africa is the most full and accurate.
584. L'Afrique de Marmol. Paris, 1669. 3 vols. 4to. - This translation, by
D'Ablancourt, of a very scarce Portuguese writer, is not made with
fidelity. The subsequent discoveries in Africa have detailed several
inaccuracies in Marmol; but it is nevertheless a valuable work: