562. Southey's Letters on Spain and Portugal, 1797. 8vo. - Literature and
manners; but in a manner not worthy of the author's talents and reputation.
563. Ed. Clarke's Letters on the Spanish Nation, 1765. 4to. - The author was
chaplain to Lord Bristol, in his Spanish Embassy. Antiquities and Spanish
literature; in the Appendix there is a catalogue of MSS. in the library of
the Escurial.
564. Swinburne's Travels through Spain, 1775-76. 2 vols. 8vo. Roman and
Moorish architecture are particularly attended to; this work is also
valuable and instructive for its full details in every thing relating to
Catalonia and Grenada, two of the most interesting provinces in Spain.
565. Dillon's Travels through Spain, 1782. 4to. - Natural history and
physical geography.
566. Bourgoing's Travels in Spain, with Extracts from the Essays on Spain.
By M. Peyren, 1789. 3 vols. 8vo. - This is an excellent work, translated
from the French. The author, however, did not visit Catalonia or Grenada.
Natural history is not attended to; but all that relates to manufactures,
the civil, political, and religious state of Spain, manners, literature and
similar topics, is treated of fully and well. The work of M. Peyren, from
which extracts are given, is entitled Nouveau Voyage en Espagne, Paris,
1782. 2 vols. 8vo. and treats of antiquities, manners, commerce, public
tribunals, &c.; it notices some cities and parts of Spain omitted, or but
partially noticed by Swinburne and Bourgoing. The work of the latter has
also been added to by the following work, Voyage en Espagne, 1797-8.