506. Mineralogische Und Technologische Bemerkungen Auf Einer Reise Durch
Verschiedene Provinzen In England Und Schottland.
Von J.C. Fabricius.
Leipsic, 1784.
8vo. - This work, the nature of which is indicated in the
title, is enriched by the notes of that distinguished mineralogist Ferber.
507. Reise nach Paris, London, &c. Von. Franck. Vienna, 1804. 2 vols.
8vo - This work of Dr. Franks, which is chiefly confined to England and
Scotland, is principally interesting to medical men, as it contains an
account of hospitals, prisons, poor-houses, infirmaries, &c.
508. Gedenkwaardije a antkeningen gedaan door en reisiger, van geghel
England, Schottland, ent Irland. Utrecht, 1699. fol.
509. Kort Journel eller Reise beskrievelse til England, ved Christ Gram.
Christiana, 1760. 4to.
510. Reise durch einen Theil von England und Schottland, 1802-3. 8vo.
Marburg, 1811. - These travels, - which, like all travels in our own country
by foreigners, are interesting, independently of any intrinsic merit,
because they exhibit the impressions made on them by what to us is either
common or proper, - are translated from the Swedish: the author's name is
511. Erinnerungen von einer Reise durch England, 1803-5. Von Johanna
Schopenhauser. 2 vols. 8vo. Rudolst, 1813. - Light and lively sketches.
512. P. Coronelli Viaggio nell' Enghilterra. Venice, 1697. 8vo. - These
three works, Nos. 509, 510, and 512, by a Dutchman, a Dane, and Italian,
are interesting from the picture they exhibit of Britain at the close of
the seventeenth, and in the middle of the eighteenth century.
513. Journee faite en 1788 dans la Grande Bretagne.
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