484. Travels of Cosmo, Grand Duke of Tuscany, through England, 1669. 4to.
1822. - Amidst much that is very tedious and stupid, relative to the
ceremonies observed in receiving this prince, and all his most minute
movements and actions, there are curious notices of the state of England,
the mode of life, manners, and agriculture at this period.
485. Letters on the English Nation. By Baptista Angeloni, translated from
the Italian. 1756. 2 vols. 8vo.
486. Grosley's Tour to London, translated by Nugent, 1772. 2 vols.
8vo. - These two works exhibit much misrepresentation of our character; at
the same time they are instructive in so far as they, in several respects,
paint accurately our national and domestic manners, in the middle of the
last century, and exhibit them as viewed by foreigners.
487. Historical Account of Three Years' Travels over England and Wales. By
Rogers. 1694. 12mo.
488. Gilpin's Tour in South Wales: his Tour in North Wales: Observations on
the Western Parts of England: Observations on the Lakes of Cumberland and
Westmoreland: Observations on the River Wye: Tour in Norfolk and South
Wales. - All these works display a deep and sincere feeling of the beauties
of nature; a pure taste and sound judgment; and are written in a style
appropriate to the subject, and worthy of the matter.
489. Warner's Tour through Wales - Warner's Second Tour through
Wales - Topographical Remarks on the South Western Parts of Hampshire.