432. Deliciae Galliae, seu Itinerarium in Universam Galliam, a Gasp. Ens.
Cologne, 1609. 8vo.
433. A Tour through the Western, Southern, and Interior Provinces of
France. By N.W. Wraxall. London, 1772. 8vo. - This work bears all the
characters of Mr. Wraxall's other productions: slight and superficial so
far as manners are concerned: offering no information on agriculture,
statistics, or natural history; with, however, some interesting historical
details. It is noticed here, because the travels in France are so few, that
even those of moderate merit must be admitted.
434. Travels through France: to which is added, a Register of a Tour into
Spain in 1787-89. By Arthur Young. 2 vols. 4to. 1792. - This is a most
valuable and useful work; for though the professed object of Mr. Young was
agriculture, yet it abounds in well-drawn pictures of manners and national
character, and it derives additional interest from having been performed at
the commencement of the revolution.
435. Journal during a Residence in France, from the beginning of August to
the middle of December 1792. By Dr. John Moore. 2 vols. 8vo. - This work may
be regarded in some measure as historical; yet it may also properly be
placed here as exhibiting a strong picture of manners and feelings, as well
as of events, at this interesting period.