- This work, by Pini, a naturalist of reputation, is instructive
in the geology of the country between Modena and Florence, of the Campagna,
and of part of Naples; there are also remarks on the antiquity and extent
of the Italian Volcanoes.
429. Viaggio da Milano ai tre Laghi Maggiore, di Lugano, e di Como. Del C.
Amoretti. Milan, 1803. 4to. - Mineralogy, and especially the various species
of marble, zoology, and manners and customs, are here described, as well as
the celebrated lakes mentioned in the title.
430. Spallanzani Lettere al Sig. Marchese Luchesini, Sopre le Coste dell
Adriatico. Paris, 1789. 4 vols. 4to.
The author of the Bibliotheque des Voyages remarks, that no country in
Europe has been so imperfectly described by travellers as France:
certainly, if we compare the descriptions they give of it with the
descriptions given by travellers of other countries, there appears good
ground for this observation. And yet France offers a rich harvest for
travellers of almost all kinds: the customs and usages of the people;
the general character so strongly stamped on the whole nation, and the
various shades of it in different provinces; the effects that have been
produced by the different events of their history, and especially by
their revolution; all these things present to the traveller, who studies
human nature, rich and ample materials. To the geologist, the
mineralogist, and botanist, especially to the former, France also is an
interesting country, especially since Cuvier and other learned men in
this department of science, have displayed the stores of important facts
which France offers on this subject: