Hambro. 1795. 4to.
328. Journal d'un Voyage dans les Cercles du Rhin. Par Collini. Paris,
1777. 8vo. - Chiefly mineralogical.
329. Voyage sur le Rhin, depuis Mayence jusqu'a Dusseldorf. Newied, 1791.
8vo. - This tour contains some curious details on the subject of the wines
of the Rhingau.
330. Voyage en Autriche, &c. Par De Serres. Paris, 1814. 4 vols. 8vo. - An
immense mass of geographical and statistical information, in a great
measure drawn from German authors, on Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia.
331. Viaggio sul Reno e ne suoi contorni di P. Bertolo. 1795. 8vo. - These
travels, performed in the autumn of 1787, are elegantly written, rather
than very instructive. They contain, however, some valuable notices
respecting the volcanic appearances in the district of Andernach.
332. Briefe auf einer reise durch Deutschland, 1791. Leignitz, 1793. 2
vols. 8vo. - Arts, manufactures, and economy, are the principal topics of
these letters.
333. Die Donnau reise. Ratesbonne. 1760. 8vo. - These travels describe the
banks of the Danube, and the streams which flow into it.
334. Donnau Reise von Regensburgh bis Wein. Montag. 1802. 8vo. - The same
remark applies to this work, only, as the title indicates, it is confined
to the river and its streams, from Ratisbon to Vienna.
335. Reise durch Ober-Deutschland, OEsterreich, Nieder Bayern, Ober
Schwaben, Wirtemberg, Baden, &c. Saltz. 1778. 8vo.
336. Litterarische reisen durch einen theil von Bayern, Franken und die
Schweitz, 1780-2.; Von Zapf.