2 vols. 8vo. - This work
was originally published in German, under the title of Briefe eines
reisenden Franzosen durch Deutschland: there is also an English
translation. The travels took place in 1782: and the character of a French
traveller, in the German original, was assumed, to secure the author from
the probable effects of his severe remarks on the government, manners, and
customs of Germany. To these subjects, and others connected with man, his
agriculture, commerce, and other pursuits, Baron Reisbeck has chiefly
confined his attention: perhaps the truth and impartiality of his
strictures would be more readily acknowledged, if they were not so strongly
impregnated with a satirical feeling.
325. Journal d'un Voyage en Allemagne, 1773. Par M. Guibert. Paris, 1802.
2 vols. 8vo. - The celebrated author of the "Essai General sur la Tactique,"
naturally directed his attention during his travels to military affairs,
and to an examination and description of the sites of famous battles. But
this work by no means is confined to such topics; and the remarks with
which it abounds on more interesting subjects, are so evidently the fruit
of an acute and original mind, that they equally command our attention, and
instruct us.
326. Voyage en Hanovre, 1803-4. Par M.A.B. Mangourit. Paris, 1805.
8vo. - Politics, religion, agriculture, commerce, mineralogy, manners, and
customs, are discussed in this volume; and in general with good sense and
information. Hamburgh, Hanover, its government, universities, and
especially its mines, are particularly described.